Changing Lives Through the Power of Work
With the sales of donated goods and through Industrial Services, Goodwill NWUP is able to assist people with disabilities and other barriers to employment by providing job skills training and employment opportunities. We accomplish our mission through the follow Mission Services offered the entire UP and the seven counties of northern Wisconsin that border the Upper Peninsula.
Job Development
Support individuals with barriers to employment by providing personal assessment, job exploration, creating a strong professional resume, and identifying potential community employment.
Client and Workforce Development Specialist formulate vocational goals to assist in gaining and maintaining an employment position.
Supported Employment
Provides long term supported services to individuals who are employed as needed. Includes support services for the employer and employee to sustain employment. We now offer short-term support services, as well. Reach out to us.
Trial Work Experience
Helps individuals with barriers to employment gain positive personal and workplace behaviors and skills while earning a paycheck through job opportunities at Goodwill and building their resume.
Purpose is to provide the client with work experience and document their readiness for competitive employment. Settings can include a Goodwill store or training site, or community environment.
- Sites are developed according to the client’s vocational interests (example: vocational interest is the food industry; the work experience would be at a local restaurant).
- Provides opportunities for the client to gain positive work skills and transition smoothly into community employment.
- Includes a written report completed by Workforce Development Specialist.
- Length of program: Variable
Bridge to Employment
Provides individuals with barriers to employment with soft skills and interview training that are necessary to find and maintain employment. Participants will also be assisted to create a strong professional resume.
Work Evaluation / Assessment
Provide individuals with an assessment to identify their challenges and positive employment skills and behaviors in a work- based setting.